Hi there everyone - friends for whom it has been quite some time (over a year in fact) since you’ve heard from me and a warm welcome to you newcomers I had the pleasure of meeting back out there in real life this past September/October. I hope this finds everyone staying healthy and doing well…
I can thankfully say on my end that things, relatively speaking anyway, are good. Although, whoops I went and let a whole year go by without writing anything here for you all and that makes me sad. I think, probably like many of you, I have just been trying my best to stay safe, smart and happy. And despite actually having lots of pretty cool news and good things to share over the past several months, I have remained very inward about it all, and keeping to my close circle of loved ones.
To say I have a lot in my back log of pictures and stories and life updates is an understatement… but I do!
And so this little message is (as titled and probably mostly for my own sanity sake of initiating contact once again and achieving the goals I have set for myself) to verify proof I’m still out here and wanting to get back to sharing the grand beauty of nature with you all.
My sincerest wishes that this January is kicking your 2022 off to a positive start. The next post I have planned will be a bit more exciting, but for today please accept my invitation to follow along on what surely promises to be a bumpy ride, but one chocked full of epic adventure and little slices of heaven…
P.S. - Please feel free to share your own proof of life, reach out with any questions or comments, and/or just say hi anytime!
My very best,