Hey everyone! I slipped away there for a bit since late April as the pace of life exploded much like the blooming season! See what I did there?? ;-)
All joking aside, it has been a whirlwind since that Lewisburg Art Festival the last Saturday in April! A lot of exciting things both in Nature and here on my end have been playing out in time. And here we are, a few days into official Summer already. So belated Happy Summer Solstice to you all! I hope everyone has been enjoying the growing days of the sun and is living it up as life hits the peaking point here for a few weeks!
I also would like to welcome many newcomers to Tales from the Trail, I’m so happy you’re here! Most posts are more exciting than this one is going to be, haha, I just wanted to cast a line back out there before too much time went by again and to provide some updated art festival info. Also, for you first timers and everyone else, what I said in my last blog about having a few more tests on my end to ensure the proper completion of transferring from Mailchimp to Squarespace remains the same - probably 2-3 posts yet I hope and I will most likely discontinue the Mailchimp campaign and move solely to Squarespace, so please bare with the two versions in your inboxes until I’m certain everything is good on my end.
Speaking of more exciting things to look forward to… I’ve got my April, May, and June backpacks to catch you up on (yes I am 6 for 6 in my quest to get out at least once every month of the calendar year, that’s a pretty darn good day in baseball!), as well as Wilderness Solitude Part 2 - the Isle Royale adventure, and one more special treat I have planned before I think I can finally say I am current gosh darnit!!! We’ll get there, I promise!
But, most importantly today, what I want to promote is this coming weekends’ Manayunk Arts Festival! I’m quite excited to be doing this show for the first time and perhaps see some familiar faces from previous lifetimes! I’m going to tag anyone I can think of on social media and if you are anywhere in the Philadelphia area and don’t have plans this weekend, I’d love to see you come visit!
Key Info -
Booth #106
Right on Main St. in Manayunk, Philadelphia, PA
Saturday June 25th - 11am-7pm
Sunday June26th - 11am-6pm
Oh and something I’m very proud of that I never shared after the Stockley Gardens Art Festival in Norfolk, VA back in late May… my first Award!!! An Award of Merit, recognizing me in the top 6 out of 120 Artists and the only photographer to win an award! Again, I am extremely proud of this recognition as I’ve been striving hard for many years towards showcasing fine art nature photography of the highest quality. And I feel like now with the new booth and continuing to work towards the best display I can possibly manage, things are beginning to come together… Let’s keep em’ comin’!